standing tall.

the story of genevieve

We couldn’t help but notice her impressively long neck and cheerful face as it towered over the smelly dumpster. Recognizing immediately that she was a treasure, and not trash, we pulled her out, cleaned her up, and told her she was coming home with us. On the car ride back to the office, her neck and head jutted awkwardly out of the car window, but her smile never wavered. That’s when we began to see ourselves in her. Once we arrived at the office, we named her Genevieve the giraffe.  We thought the name suited her, and the alliteration would make it easy to remember, but someone keeps calling her Guinevere.

As she became more at home in our office, we became more curious about her kind. Spontaneous Internet Searches revealed fun facts about giraffes such as: They have giant hearts, and only require between one and four hours of sleep a day. “Same here!” we said.

She’s playful to be sure, always wearing a tiara, a boa, or some kind of festive get-up. But she’s more than just good-natured and unique, she’s thoughtful. Her impressive height offers the broad perspective required for creative inspiration, and the aerial view necessary to anticipate and devise contingency plans.

Call her our mascot or our spirit animal; Genevieve the giraffe reflects our collective traits. Her presence in our office serves as a constant reminder to rise above challenges, take the long view, and lead with our hearts.

Planning Giraffes

Cassie Brown, CSEP

Chief Experience Officer + Owner aka “Sarg”

She has a master’s degree in tourism and event management from The George Washington University, but her skill for drilling holes into tents to un-flood them is self-taught. She has been a fervent student of Ocie Davis who has been patiently giving her drum lessons for over three years.

Some might say she has an aversion to the traditional Caribbean vacation. In the last several years, she has chosen to vacation in Thailand, Antarctica, Belize, Egypt, and Finland.

Her wardrobe is like her events; unpredictable, expertly tailored, with admirable style very few could pull off. See Full Bio »

Email Cassie | (704) 376-1943 Ext 3089

Kim Baker

Marketing + Events aka ”KB"

From intern to contractor to full time employee, Kim couldn’t stay away, regardless of how many times we like to tease her for being the one who picks a seat in the very front row of every meeting and luncheon.

Her competing love for marketing and event planning makes it hard for her to stick to one team in the office, and even harder for us to come up with one job title.

As a recent college graduate and the youngest in the office, her insightful input on the millennial culture keeps the team laughing. See Full Bio »

Email Kim | (704) 376-1943 Ext 3091

Christina Barcley

Event Architect aka "Chrissy"

Christina‘s events are well-oiled machines, with carefully thought out decor and event timelines. With a knack for logistics, she’s quick to solve onsite problems and even quicker to put a stop to our latest idea for an exotic office pet.

Her dedication to work is commendable but in her free time you can catch her at a CycleBar class, drinking a large iced coffee, or checking flight prices for a quick weekend trip back to NYC. See Full Bio »

Email Christina | (704) 376-1943 Ext 3084

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