
Top 5 Ways to “Green” Your Corporate Event

Top 5 Ways to “Green” Your Corporate Event

If you’ve put a lot of thought into the décor, lighting and signage for your corporate event but haven’t considered the waste and carbon footprint that might come with all of that, it’s time to take a step back and think green. There are many ways to have a “knock your socks off” event and care for Mother Nature too. Being environmentally conscious is more top of mind than ever before. Therefore, attendees are coming to expect corporate events to have consideration for the environment. There are many ways to green your event, and each choice truly can make a difference not just for the environment but to your guests’ overall experience and impression of the event too.

  1. LED lighting: Substitute with LED lights when possible as they use a very small amount of power. Cordless LEDs are fantastic when you don’t want a cord running across the room. There are an infinite number of color options to choose from!
  2. Reduce packaging:  Buy in bulk as much as you can to avoid the amount of plastic and materials used. If a meal is being offered at the event, consider offering a buffet option instead of individually packaged meals. Scatter water pitchers throughout the event instead of individual water bottles, which also saves on packaging and cost.
  3. Choose compostable products: Avoid Styrofoam as it takes years to break down, contributes to air pollution and can leach chemicals. Consider options for serving ware that are manufactured from renewable resources, contain biodegradable materials, and are easily recycled. There are also compost companies that can come onsite for a minimal charge if there is enough product to compost, which can be beneficial for larger events.
  4. Buy local:  By purchasing local supplies and in-season healthy produce, the less your event supplies and food have to travel. This decreases air pollution and helps your local economy too.
  5. Utilize Apps: Rather than printing off hundreds or thousands of programs or paper documents, consider using a helpful app like doubledutch or CrowdCompass. This way your attendees can navigate the event and learn more without contributing to the event’s carbon footprint.

Being environmentally conscious while planning an event is a win-win situation for all involved. Attendees value that thoughtfulness and can enjoy being a part of contributing to a greater cause.