Goal Setting: Balancing Achievement Between Your Career and Personal Life

Visualizing Sweat

We’re sure you’ve attended numerous meetings and seminars where goal setting was the topic of conversation. So why is it the topic of our blog this week? Well, we recently attended a meeting with a unique spin on effectively setting and following through with your goals in all facets of life by simply using your five senses.

We learned it’s important not to set goals in only one area of life. Goals should be distributed evenly between career, physical, family/social, and spiritual aspects of life. At TCG we strive to be well rounded individuals by setting goals as a team in these various categories such as, volunteering each month, having a monthly book club to enrich our brains, setting specified sales goals, consistently living up to our mantra – Event Differently, and our most recent endeavor, training for a half marathon in April.

We were intrigued to discover that when creating goals, studies have shown that translating each goal into specific and thoughtful images and utilizing our five senses, allows for successful goal accomplishment and follow through. Coincidentally, this is the same exercise we do when brainstorming event concepts.

Take a minute to visualize yourself achieving your goal. Now picture yourself in the moment. What sounds do you hear? What are you holding or touching? Are there any specific or unusual tastes in your mouth? What are the sights and smells around you?

Doing this exercise, perhaps repeatedly, allows you to get a feeling for how amazing completing your goal will feel and hopefully will be a constant motivating force.

Though, I’m not sure how pretty this visualization exercise will be when applied to our half marathon…

Happy goal setting!

Our Interns Don’t Fetch Coffee, But They Might Walk a Pig

Becoming a TCG Events Intern

Each semester we invite a new group of interns to join us at TCG Events. We go through numerous resumes and interviews before choosing two to three unique individuals to join our team.

We begin the process by scanning resumes for a couple of key elements. Are you a current student or looking to enter the job force to gain experience as a graduate? Do you have any event experience or skills that can relate to the production of events? Our key to successfully hiring interns is to immediately interview candidates whose resumes interest us.

Each interview begins with one very important question – what do you think about event planning? An answer of, “I think event planning is glamorous!” in any form, is the kiss of death for even a favored candidate. We simply dread this response because our job is far from glamorous and this unrealistic perception sets everyone up to be disappointed. We want to ensure the interns we choose are ready to become apart of our team – we are looking for hard work, determination, and creativity.

You will go through new and unique experiences, possibly even taking a pig on a walk. Seriously.

Being an intern at TCG will help you decide if this event planning career path is for you. It will become very apparent if this is what you want to do or if it’s just not your cup of tea. An internship can open doors to a career either within the company or connections you make along the way!

Want to start your event adventures with us as an intern? Check out this page.